One for my dad
Right of Center: Dad, what do you think of Cat Stevens?
Dad: If I had a gun, I'd shoot him.
Right of Center: Dad, what do you think of Cat Stevens?
Dad: If I had a gun, I'd shoot him.
Posted by
North Of Normal
8:59 AM
2004-09-23 ~ 11:42
gee, why don't you have one?
Two points:
It's funny because Dad is SO not the kind of guy who would own a gun, much less shoot someone with it (unless, apparently, that someone were Cat Stevens)
Also, why would he need one? He doesn't hunt. Doesn't live in either the ghetto or the wild west. Doesn't sport shoot. What would be the point?
Now, North, you know very well that it's not necessary to justify gun ownership as a matter of "need." A gun is a perfectly legitimate "want," and one that may someday prove exceedingly useful.
This Guy
i agree with This Guy. it is quite possible to own 2 or 3 guns and never fire a single shot. rather like the insurance policy on your car, you hope you never actually use it. however, i do know from experience, if the situation should come up where you do need it (the gun or the insurance policy), there is no substitute.
personally, i would love to live in a world in which weapons were totally unnecessary. however, as long as criminals exist, criminals will use whatever means available regardless of legality (gee, definition of criminal: one who breaks the law), to gain an advantage over the selected victim. with that in mind, i choose to keep my guns close at hand.
as of yet, i have not been forced to fire in self defense (thank god!), the fact that i pulled a gun was enough to save my life. i don't ever want to be confronted with that again. however, should it come down to a choice between my life and the criminal's life, i will fire. i have too much at stake not to.
your father chooses not to own one, and that is his choice. had i not already faced my own death and prevented it by having a gun available, i might also choose not to own one for self defense. i don't know. but i have faced my own death and did prevent it by pulling a gun on my attacker. so i choose to keep a gun for defense of myself and my family and very likely always will. rather like the insurance policy on my car, i hope and pray to never be forced to use it, but if i must, i want it available.
--- The Dancer in the Shadows
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