Friday, April 27, 2007

What day is it?

Of course, no one will take this return to blogging seriously unless I offer some proof, right? So, here it is folks, brace yourselves: The Return of FRIDAY FUN!!

Taken from the Friday's Feast website, we have five questions and their answers today:

Appetizer: How fast can you type?
About fifty to sixty words per minute if I'm really cooking. My problem is that I'm not a sportscar of a typer. None of this "zero-to-sixty" nonsense. I start out kind of slow and then steadily speed up as I go.

Soup: What is your favorite online game?
Anything by popcap, although I am partial to RocketLaunch. I go through an occasional Zuma or Atomica phase, I have to say that RocketLaunch is my one true love. I'm at work right now, so I can't link to any of these because they are blocked, which is a good thing, because the one day IT routed our Internet connection through DSL instead of the MCC's servers I seriously spent ALL DAY playing RocketLaunch.

Salad: On a scale of 1 to 10, how intelligent do you think you are?
I'd say an eight or so. I'm very impressed with my own intelligence. . . for good reason, because I'm bloody brilliant. And quite humble, too =)

Main Course: Name three of your best teachers from your school years.
This one's tough. I had GREAT teachers. I'm going to go with two from high school and one from BGSU. In no particular order, Ms. Cathy Naperialski, Mr. David Hartmann, and Dr. John Laird. All of them make the cut for more or less the same reason, that they pushed me to be more and to do more and that they all helped me go a little further than I thought I could.

Dessert: What are your plans for the weekend?
Well, tonight,tomorrow night, and Sunday afternoon, I'm going to be backstage at The Real Inspector Hound. I'll probably go out after the show each night--we have a cast party at the Box Bar planned for tomorrow night--and spend my days recovering as best I can. Hopefully, I will be able to get some knitting done. I'm very close to finishing this sweater. I have the eternal laundry, of course, plus one book I'm trying to finish and another I have waiting. For some reason, NJ hasn't been online for the last two days, which means I have to call and find out what's up with her. I need to call Doc to find out when she's going to be back in town, plus there's some gossip I need to catch her up on. Oh! And the NFL draft is this weekend, which for some reason I always enjoy watching (vegging out in front of).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome BACK!!!!

Dear Ole DAd