I got this from Whispers in the Loggia yesterday, and just had to share it with you. Apparently, the bunch at Vatican Radio gave B16 a personalized iPod loaded with some of the station's programming in a couple different languages, as well as some classical music that His Pontiffness is known to enjoy, and some examples of the many podcasts that they offer.
And, if he were a fan of the local (to him anyway) Roma soccer team, he could hop on iTunes and download The White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army," which has apparently become the team's theme song. No, seriously. It was on NPR so it has to be true. For some strange reason, Roma fans have picked up this tune from a Detroit garage band and started singing it when Roma scores, old men are whistling it on the street, and it's become the number one cell phone download in Italy. Listen to the story over on The World's homepage (linked above), it's weird and wonderful all at once.
On a side note, and it's not often I say this, but people seriously need to slow down around here. I drive up I-75 (heh: i75, brought to you by Apple) to work every morning and it is getting ridiculous. Now, I am a lead foot. I know this and I try to contain it. But all week I've been getting passed and blown by like I wasn't even moving. I had some rinky-looking Ford Ranger pickup tailgating me from West Road to about Northline and I was doing eighty the whole time! He went zooming past me when traffic opened up a little like I was granny on a Sunday morning! And things like that have been happening all week. Is my speedometer broke? Am I really not going as fast as I think I am? Because people, honestly now, ninety is road-trip speed, not driving to work speed. Slow down!
1 comment:
iPope is by far the funniest thing I've seen and read all day. You crack me up. So does he jog around the Vatican with his iPod and Prada jumpsuit now or what?
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