Worst Sports Writing in the History Of Ever
from MSNBC this morning, and I quote:
"Tour de France winner Floyd Landis has tested positive for the male sex hormone testosterone, his team American Phonak said on Thursday."
Really. Landis tested positive for testosterone. I guess he's going to have to give back that women's gymnastics medal . . . oh, WAIT. The presence of testosterone in a male athlete is not newsworthy, not even if that male athlete is Johnny Weir. The presence of an unusually high ammount of testosterone might be newsworthy, Mr. Lazy And Imprecise Reuters Newsdude. The presence of artificial testosterone might be indicative of something newsworthy. This is why it is important to be clear and specific, because otherwise you end up looking like the world's biggest moron before you've even completed your first sentence.
But now on to the specific allegation, which, I should note, comes in the second paragraph in a quote from Phonak's press release--that's right, at no time does Mr. Lazy and Imprecise Reuters Newsdude actually get it right himself--namely, that Landis tested positive for traces of something that may imply he had some pharcological help for his stunning Stage 17 comeback and eventual victory. I know that the dominating presence of Lance Armstrong and his Triumphant! And! Uplifting! Story! over the last seven years has clouded this issue for many Americans, but, honestly, folks? Cycling? Dirtier than boxing. I don't even know why they test for performance enhancing whatever anymore. Everyone is juiced to one degree or another, it's just that some can hide it better. I don't think anyone is getting an unfair advantage over anyone else through the magic of science because they are all doing it. The advantage of a performance enhancer comes when you are the only one doing it. When the entire peleton is riding a wave of EPO it ceases to matter.
Oh, and hey, I wasn't intending to come back to blogging with a cycling "scandal," but whatever. I'm here. There will be more, I promise.
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