I Never Could Get The Hang Of Thursdays.*
Here's some history for you: Lost Underground Railway Site Found in Michigan. I've often wondered why one doesn't hear more about Detroit or Michigan in histories of the underground railroad, because it is such a natural and easy place into cross into Canada.
You know what your(my) iPod needs? An iGuy. You know what your(my) iGuy needs? iPets. This may be getting a bit out of control, but I also may not care. Everybody go iCrazy!
Also found Detroit Blog whilst bopping around online. I always love an opportunity to say "whilst."
As for actual news in my life or my feelings on same . . . Talking With. . . opens tomorrow. I am not terribly nervous about this, but I expect that will change. I'm going to be performing without my glasses again, which I hate doing, but is unavoidable. If you come to see the show, and you sit in the corner near my exit, and I totally trip over you and end up in your lap, well, I apologize. I made it through Twelfth Night relatively unscathed, and there were stairs involved in that. Strangely, I don't remember being quite as blind as I feel like I am now during that show. I could see faces, you know, at a distance that is blurry right now. I have a hypothesis that there is something about adrenaline that makes my eyesight better, I'll let you know how that works out.
Speaking of plays, my playwriting class is going sort of well. I say sort of, because I have no idea. Next week we are supposed to come in with our idea. Plot, theme, character. I got nothin'. This weekend, I'm going to rip through my morgue, some of my writing books, maybe root around in the unfinished file and see if there is anything I can adapt. If one of you-all could do something terribly interesting so I could plagiarize your lives (again), it would be appreciated.
While looking for the "stairs" link above, I got side-tracked reading some of the drafts I have in my blog file--stuff I haven't finished yet. Back when the 04-05 NHL season was officially cancelled, I wrote something about my love of hockey. I may brush that up, make it more appropriate for the re-start of the sport and post it yet. Watch this space.
*Shiny gold star to the first reader to identify this quote.
You know, I may not have figured this out if it wasn't for the initials "JY" being burned into my brain!
I won't actually say it, so as to allow others the fun of guessing too ... but I still want my shiny gold star!
Cmdr. Pop
with regards to the quote, might it be Mr. Dent in a certain guide to hitch hiking?
--- The Dancer in the Shadows
It does indeed have to do with hitchiking and Dents, but Cmdr. Pop beat you to it. Shiny Gold Star to the boy in Kentucky. He gets it when he gets his ass back up here where he can entertain me on a more regular basis.
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