Friday Fun!
Okay, well, the website I usually get my Friday Fun prompts from seems to have disappeared. That’s a little disappointing. So let’s wing it. How about a song lyrics quiz?
Here’s how this works: Below are lyrics from ten songs from my “driving to work” playlist. Try to guess the song in comments. The person with the most correct answers . . . wins a prize. I’ll figure out what later. Oh, and—NO GOOGLING!
- Someday I’ll have a disappearing hairline
Someday I’ll wear pajamas in the daytime - I could go crazy on a night like tonight
When summer’s beginning to give up her fight - When you’re done
With being beautiful and young
When that course is run, then come to me - She’s ten the hard way
I can feel it in my bones - Across the sea, a pale moon rises
The ships have come, to carry you home - They put me in jail for my deviant ways
Two years, seven months, and sixteen days - We took on diesel back in Montauk yesterday
Left this morning from the bell at Gardner’s Bay - You weren’t your mama’s only boy
But her favorite one it seems
She began to cry when you said goodbye
And slipped into your dreams - Sometimes I see your face
The stars seem to lose their place - Asked myself what it’s all for
You know the funny thing about?
I couldn’t answer.
I've got a little bet with myself on who is going to know each one--let's see if you can surprise me. Good luck!
7. Downeaster _Alexa_ - Billy Joel
(and that's the line? I must admit it makes more sense than what I thought it said. No, I'm not sharing =>)
8. Is it "Pancho and Lefty"?
Didn't think so
10. Blue - Mai Yamane (I think) off the Cowboy Bebop OST Volume 3 of the same name.
who figures there are 1 or two more he's just blanking on.
Correct, correct, and correct.
And, you realize, you now have to tell us what you thought that line was. . .
Fine. "Norfolk", which was referenced in Miami 2012 (the night the lights went out on Broadway) since it was/is the center of The Atlantic Fleet. It always struck me as odd, because Norfolk is a haul from Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.
That *was* Pancho and Lefty? I'll hafta try to dig that song up now...
who's wondering how he did against your expectations, not wanting to pack today, and curious if anyone know how to get chocolate out of a couch cushion cover...
I hope you bet dear ole dad would id. #6 as Richard Thompson - I Feel so Good, I am gonna break someones heart tonight.
OK, # 3 is definitely BNL--"I'll be the girl." That's the only one I can come up with. #5 sounds ridiculously familiar, but I can't think of it. Of course, that could also have something to do with the fact that Laura has some REO blasting at the moment . . . which I think is safe to say would disrupt anyone's thought process. (Oh I make you laugh, and you make me cry, I BELIEVE IT'S TIME FOR ME TO FLY!!) :)
I did bet that D.O.D. would get the Richard Thompson! I like it when I'm right.
And, Jer, you most certainly have heard #5, and I'm a little surprised no one's gotten it yet. Then again, I'm still waiting for the Soderclan to weigh in, and I had one of those down for guessing that one. Which, come to think of it, may be a hint.
#5 is something from one of the Lord of the Rings movies, end title i think, but i can't place what/which one at the moment... will have to watch the movies again tonight i guess . ;)
incidentally, and i know these have already been answered in some cases, #7 i have the album, but couldn't place, #8 is familiar to me, i could probably sing parts, but from a time when i never paid attention to artist or title, so had no chance at answering. the rest are not even vaguely familiar at present.
PS: planning to jump around the LOTR movies to find #5 more definitively this evening... (it is NOT google) ;)
#5, "Into the West"
words and music by Howard Shore, Fran Walsh, Annie Lennox
Performed by Annie Lenox
Annie Lennox Appears Courtesy of BMG Ariola Munchen GmbH
use as the first song during the End Credits of the movie "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"
i imagine it is also on a soundtrack since it is listed here as a "driving to work" song. i hope you aren't watching movies as you drive North ;)
Sorry, I've been busy with school, sick people, and the best Valentine's day ever, and even now I need to remind little ones to get dressed.
Flip, try a cold damp wash cloth. You might even need a little detergent on it... and alot of elbow grease. If the covers come off, stain treat it and throw it in the washer.
Fertility Goddess
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