Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Aaaaand I'm back

Hey. So. How’ve you been? What’s new? Kinda . . . dusty in here, isn’t it? (pokes around) Cobwebby, too.

So, since last we spoke, some stuff’s happened. I spent a weekend with the family out in Chicago (well, greater Chicago, at least) visiting Uncle Duffer and Aunt Ping. A great time was had by all and I tried to come up with something nice to post here about love and family and prime numbers but it just wouldn’t come together. I fought with it for a while, and parts of it are quite good, but I wasn’t ever happy with it and it was taking forever, and that’s where the trouble started. I mean, I had a ton of things worth writing about, but it’s a busy time of year and some of it was silly, and after a couple of weeks passed, I didn’t want to make a triumphant return to blogging with a drive-by link to an article on vodka manufacturing (don’t ask). And then the writer’s block set in . . . .

Anyway, here’s a brief listing of things that I had wanted to write about but never quite got up the juice for:

*A detailed analysis of Beatrice and Benedick’s relationship in Much Ado About Nothing and some hypothesizing on their background

*A story about Right of Center finding a gun in a bathroom at school

*Why I got a Christmas card from George and Laura Bush

*The “Hotties of the Vatican” calendar

*My thoughts on completing Ratchet and Clank 2, as well as a general dorkified reflection on video games in general

*A collection of responsible-giving links for the holiday season, featuring general do-gooder organizations and a link to the “Blue Christmas” website

*A complete list of all the things my loving public could get me for Christmas

*A delicately-worded call for advice on dealing with some complications in a friend’s relationship

*Some thoughts on love, commitment, and my own relationship to This Guy

*An explanation of why, henceforth “This Guy” shall be re-dubbed “Lorenzo”

Actually, as I type up that list, it occurs to me that I could spend my week-long winter break working on any of those if anyone is interested. Hey! Readers Choice! Great idea!

Listen up, peanut gallery! Cast your vote in comments for any of the above, and I will write up the post that could have been!


Anonymous said...

Here are my choices for insight from our fearless leader!

1)Christmas card from GW and Laura: if you are going to waste America's money surely it can be better spent than sending our friend North, spirited Liberal that she is, a Christmas Card. I understand they get free postage and all, but let's face it, stamps are increasing in price again, it isn't because of anything we are doing, it has to be from higher up.

2)Right of Center finding a gun: What does one do when one finds a gun in the trash? I often wondered what I would do if I came upon such an object.

There you have it North, of course since I don't live in a home with a computer it will take me until next year to get your posting, I hope it is phenomenal!


North Of Normal said...

The Christmas Card actually comes at the (hopefully) tail end of a long and somewhat bizarre story. As for the gun, well, I said she found it in the bathroom, not that she found it in the trash. Again: bizarre.

Merry Christmas From the Bushes-1
Gun In The Bathroom-1

Anonymous said...

Just as I was about to give up, drown my sorrows in bad office decaf and cry into my holiday gift bag of mixed nuts (now I am *literally* working for peanuts): but, soft! What light from yonder browser window breaks? It is a post, and also someone delivered a case of wine to the office!

[Still not good with meter. Silly undergraduate program in English.]

I think your post should be about all the joys of the holiday season: love and firearms. And Hotties of the Vatican. I'm dying to know, but this bottle of wine (which has a chicken on it. Why?) will have to tide me over. Cheers to North's triumphant return!


Anonymous said...

Well, as you know, I'm always up for Bill Shakespeare.

And weapons stories, because I don't get enuf at work.

And video games stories.

And guys named "Lorenzo"... or "Maurice"... or "Armando"...

But I think I want to hear first about this "Hotties of the Vatican" deal. This intrigues me.

As long as you aren't talking about ME when you mention the delicate advice call? I don't know why you would. Right?


North Of Normal said...

So that two for the Hotties of the Vatican. Duly noted.

Wait . . . you realize it's hot PREISTS, right, Flipper?


Anonymous said...

I am curious Caitlin, is it a chicken or a rooster? My boyfriend's distant relatives make Hahn wine, it is actually a decent wine. The name Hahn means rooster in German and it therefore has a rooster on the bottle.


Anonymous said...

>So that two for the Hotties of the Vatican. Duly noted.

Wait . . . you realize it's hot PREISTS, right, Flipper?

No. No I didn't. But, still, that IS pretty weird.

My vote can go to any article I mentioned, if that makes it easier. Or harder. Whatever.


Anonymous said...

It's a rooster, now that I look at it more closely. From the label:

At the turn of the 20th Century HRM (His Royal Majesty) Rex Goliath was the treasured attraction of a Texas Circus. People came from far and wide to behold the 47 lb. bird, billed as "The World's Largest Rooster." Our label replicates the one-of-a-kind vintage artwork from the circus banner that hung above Rex's roost, and we proudly honor HRM with our varietal wines.

I'm just glad they didn't write "Tastes Like a Texas Circus!" on the back. Because really ... I've had enough peanuts today as it is.


Anonymous said...

So why did a card come from Dubya and Laura come into my house?

Dear Ole Dad

Anonymous said...

Lorenzo. That's it! I'm coming back to Michigan. Lorenzo? By the way, I am going to be on a flight tomorrow bright and early, though I may get stranded horribly in O'Hare. My vote is for a story about Lorenzo, though feel free to relate it to me in person tomorrow.


North Of Normal said...

Yay! It's the return of the Billiam! And nobody had to get married to bring him here!

Okay, so my tally thus far:
Christmas from the Bushes-2

Gun in the bathroom-3

Hotties of the Vatican-2

Shakespearean musings-1


Wherefor art thou "Lorenzo?"-2

Anonymous said...

Bill's back in town?!?!?! Holy Carp!!! Anyway, I guess that I ought to cast a vote or three, as North has been bugging me to do so since yesterday. (By the way, it's almost a shame that she stopped in and cleaned up the joint. I'd just finished naming all of the dust bunnies. I'm going to miss Mr. Snefflebit most of all.) So, here's my ballot, such as it is.

Not surprisingly, I found the whole Beatrice and Benedick thing terribly interesting, and I even came up with a few theories of my own.

I'd like to hear all about the gun and, depending on the model, ask shamelessly (please, please, pretty please) that Santa Right Of Center give it to me as a Christmas present. Untraceable firearms make terrific stocking stuffers, you know. They're perfect for the man who has everything, and by "everything" I mean "lots of old grudges."

Video game stories are always crowd pleasers!

"D.T.B." Two or three of you will know what that means. I'm not voting for the related topic, mind you. I just wanted to bust loose with that, again.

Why in the snow-covered world wouldn't I want to read about us, and me?

Well, this response has succeeded in narrowing down precisely nothing, but that really doesn't bother me too much. It is the most wonderful time of the year, after all. Merry Christmas, everyone, and I hope to see you all soon!

This Lorenzo Guy

The Dancer in the Shadows said...

My dear North,
anything and everything you post is worthy of review by all. Please, by all means, post each and every topic available

--- The Dancer in the Shadows

Anonymous said...

i want to hear about it all, but please start with the "Lorenzo" story...
