Okay, this is scary:
The Bike helmet crushed, but head fine
A white paneled delivery truck ran over a UW-Madison graduate student's head on Division Street Friday afternoon . . .
Yikes. I can't say it often enough so: on a bike, wear a helmet and obey all traffic laws. In a car, keep your eyes open and be aware of cyclists on the road, and know that they follow the same traffic laws that you do.
CLEARLY you weren't riding in the car with me today on the way to work. This bike rider was all over the place, I so wanted to run her over!
A comment to my previous post...I do not make it a habit of running down bicyclists. I am very respectful of their rights, as I expect of people when I am on my father's motorcycle. As North's friend you gotta understand the bicyclists. I just happened to get behind one of the annoying ones today who apparently thought cutting off cars, without signaling, was a good idea.
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