Now it's your turn
Friday fun! Car-related questions, off the top of my head for you:
What was the first car you ever owned?
Have you ever hated someone for something that was totally not their fault? Like me and Dave from Volkswagen Service--I know it's not his fault that my Beetle fell apart, but at the same time, I really do think he's the devil.
Tell me about your dream car.
What is your favorite road trip or drive?
1 comment:
Oh come now has been a week and there are no responses to this...
1) 1976 Ford Thunderbird - poop brown in color with a ragtop...UGLY and large enough to land aircraft but man what a sweet ride it was. Top of the line for a '76 and OH SO COMFORTABLE! There are days I truly miss that car.
2) I had a similar feeling towards my Saturn dealership many times, first Rick with the really cute dimples and now Michael.
3) Dream Car - How about a dream motorcycle, I always wanted one. Not really sure what kind but the BMW's are pretty nice. Anything but a Harley.
4) favorite road trip had to have been the trip to Chicago when Annie locked the keys in the car at McDonald's with the engine running! And seriously that is just one of several highlights of that trip!
My current favorite drive is this road that runs along the top of a cliff overlooking Manhattan, GORGEOUS, especially at sunset! It is a very short stretch but OH SO WORTH IT!
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