Thursday, August 03, 2006

Turn signals. For your ears.

I don't make this stuff up, people. I just find it.
Indicatears - Blinkers For The Ear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So funny thought, let's say these things beep when the person backs up and the person is overly large...I mean seriously how do you not just comment. But on a more serious note those bluetooth things look dumb enough on people's ears, how truly nuts are people trying to look!?!?! This has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Although it would be great if they required them of all NYC tourists, so the locals could actually get around their streets without the urge to destroy all tourists who stop in front of you, cut you off and walk slowly, or are just generally obnoxious! I say, MANDATORY TOURIST EQUIPMENT! I am getting Mayor Blumberg on the phone post-haste.