Thursday, October 13, 2005

One (1) Complaint

You know what I hate (hate)? When someone puts the numeral (numeral) in parentheses after a number (number). Persuch: If I read one (1) more instance of this, I am going to scream nine (9) times.

What's the point (point) of this? Is there some (some) confusion over what the word "six" (6) means? And why (why) would you do this in some (some) cases but not all? The only thing more asinine and visually irritating (irritating) than seeing "Five (5)" is seeing "Five (5) and Six."

I have about seventeen (17) more (more) pages of this (this) document to read and I don't (don't) guarantee that my sanity (sanity) is going to make it all (all) the (the) way (way) through (through) .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one who occassionally has to write like that for work, I sympatize.
