Friday, March 04, 2005

This is going to get annoying

The North, she will be talking like the Manolo for the rest of the day. The North, she thinks that all the peoples they should talk like the Manolo at all of the times. For the Manolo, he is super-fantastic. If you are not reading of the Manolo, your life it is very sad. You should be go and read of the Manolo before you are doing anything else. Yes go. The North, she will be waiting at the here when you return.

What is also super-fanstastic, the North she thinks the fugging of yourself is super-fantastic. Many of the hours of the day of the North, they are spent at this site. For the North, she will never tire of celebrities looking like they are of the jackass.

The fun of the Friday, fear not, will be of the forthcoming. And the North, this time, she means it.


Anonymous said...

I have two responses, one for each of two distinct subsets within your readership.

First, is it Thursday again, already?

Second, "Eight year-olds, Dude."

That's it for now.

This Guy

North Of Normal said...

Jesus God Almighty, "Third Person Thursday." I'd've killed you all with a dining hall fork.


Anonymous said...

OK, I haven't been on in a while, but I just now noticed. This Guy, was that a Big Lebowski quote per chance? Fun.

Anonymous said...

That's right, Big Fella, and it was all for you.

This Guy

North Of Normal said...

Great. My professional figure-skating tour ticket buying "boyfriend" is now hitting on guys in my blog.


Anonymous said...

Oh, for cryin' out loud. Fine, if it's that big a deal, I'll make it up to you by hitting on all of the girls next time I stop by rehearsal.

This Guy