You know that question, "If you could have dinner with any two people . . . ?"
I just found a new answer: apparently Lauren Bacall and Katharine Hepburn were pals.
Never has the prospect of being the least cool, least hot, least sassy, least witty, least rockin' woman in the room seemed so appealing. Damn. Can you imagine?
Oh, I can imagine. Of that you can be sure. In fact, I'm imagining at this very moment. Now, if you'll excuse me . . .
This Guy
North, I am going to get all sentimental on you here. I read this passage from the webpage. I must say, it sounds as though the two of them were inexplicably connected. It made me consider friendships I have either now or in the past. I must say, that is what I miss the most here in Joisey and have missed since we graduated. I miss the long thoughtful conversations and the stupid antics you and I would encounter together. I mean, who would stalk the hockey team with me if it wasn't you?
Seriously though, I thought you were the most insane girl that first visit I had at the French House. And perhaps that is not an altogether crazy observation, however I loved the craziness. I miss the times we spent together. And I sure as heck wish you lived about 600 miles closer!
I haven't found another to replace you yet!
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