Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Dean for America, Baby

The battle for the soul of the Democratic Party? It's on:

"Today, I'm announcing my candidacy for the Chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee."

My Boy Howie (as I like to call him) hears the sheep munching, too, apparently: "Another integral part of our strategy must be cultivating the party's grassroots. Our long term success depends on all of us taking an active role in our party and in the political process, by volunteering, going door to door and taking the Democratic message into every community, and by organizing at the local level. After all, new ideas and new leaders don't come from consultants; they come from communities."

Chairmanship of the DNC might not seem like a big deal, but it is. The party of intelligent, left-thinking people, the party of equality and opportunity, has been stuck in the mud for far too long. Part of the responsibility lies with a leadership that has been far too conservative in every meaning of the word. If you look forward to the day when you can enter a voting booth and cast a ballot for a candidate that is something more than the lesser of two evils, if you wish you could find your own "real thing," or even if you just would like a return to two-party politics, I encourage you to find out how you can support Howard Dean in his candidacy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Easy there, Slugger. You could tear a rotator cuff or something, patting yourself on the back like that. I even knew a guy in college that ended up needing Tommy John Surgery, of all things, so be careful. (In his defense, though, he had just played the most incredible game of NHL '99 that anyone had ever even heard of. Honest to goodness, he actually beat the New Jersey Devils with Team Belarus after spotting the Devils four goals! It was amazing and momentous, making for the kind of story that RAs recount to freshmen during Orientation even today!)


This Guy