Today's best email (and keep in mind this beat out a screed detailing the reasons that someone needs to perform an exorcism on Pope John Paul II):
"Dear Fellow American:
I am Hitler's granddaughter. The future of America is a stake. Because of the conditions of my birth 6/6/51, which is a 666 day, and because of my bloodline which is known as the top satanic bloodline in the world, World War III was planned around me even though I have no tendency towards crime or war. . .
Hitler was a Satanist . . . His goal was to institute Satan's One World Order Planin defiance of God's plan. Hitler's energy is still on earth because he invented a 666 computer that uses artificial intelligence, and has the mind of Hitler, to work in his absence. The Rothschilds family manages the Hitler agenda in his absence, but they are criminally insane which is why the world is in such disarray. . .
Because of the conditions of my birth, I have had access to the inner chambers of the world elite who planned the one world government that HAS overthrown America . . . I was being framed for what turned out to be 9-11, and I documented the planned terrorism in 2000 in a letter
to Janet Reno. . . I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 9-11 was an inside job with Bill Clinton and both George Bushes being active conspirators.
I was a public school teacher for over twenty years, and I did teach the version of history that all Americans have been taught, and I did believe it. It was not until I uncovered a plot to murder many, and blame me for the crimes that I began to study history under a new light. What I discovered is that all American textbooks are nothing but propoganda tools for the New World Order (NWO). . .
Hitler WAS one-eighth Jewish. What most people do not know is WHO his Jewish relatives were. Hitler was a Rothschild. I am a Rothschild as well. . . Because of my bloodline, I am in contact with the Rothshcilds, and have learned their plans. In my dealings with them, I have broken their coded language, and have been able to prevent genocide on a grand scale. They plan to depopulate the world by 90%. . .
The Rothschilds have controlled American politics since the Kennedy assassination which they orchestrated. . . Since they plan ahead, they have already chosen the two presidential candidates for 2008. They are Hillary Clinton DEMOCRAT, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, REPUBLICAN . . .
There's actually a lot more to this, about how both Ah-nold and Hillary are committed to the murder of 250 Million Americans and how the Rothschilds (Rothschildren?) control the media, and seven easy steps on fighting back ("3. Get involved in solving the illegal immigration problem . . . Politicians who refuse to fight illegal immigration are NWO stooges who want American jobs out sourced and American jobs to be replaced by illegals because the NWO plan includes turning over all jobs to corporations which they control. Slave labor is the goal.") There are also about two dozen links to various websites supporting this woman's claims.
You know, if you are interested.
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