Election Hoo-ha
You guys really need to go check out MB. She's freaking right the heck out down there in the swamp. I've spent the last for years outlining in great detail precisely why the Bush/Cheney regime is a harbinger of apocalypse, and yet here I am on election day, placid and calm. Seriously.
The line to vote stretched past the polling room, down the hall, and into the lobby of Somethingorother Middle School; I waited an hour to fill in my funny little dots; I missed my bus and had to sit, sad and damp, in the rain to wait for my mom to show up; and I got to work approximately an hour late. Since, clearly, nothing is going right in my world today, W is certain to win. I resigned myself to it early and I can spend the rest of my day looking up Plan B and reminding myself that "OBAMA OH-EIGHT" would be a kick-ass campaign slogan.
MB, honey, calm down. Your boy apparently has this one in the bag.
Should I taunt Happy Fun Ball on this?
Anyway, my voting went quietly. Went in about 7am, there was already a decent sized line. Mostly middle-aged working people, white and black. No prob getting signed-in, and I spent about 20minutes in line. Short ballot: Pres., Gov., Superintendent of Public Instrucution, State Rep, and maybe one other race. All others unopposed. Four Questions, none interesting (a property tax issue, a governor succession question, and a uniform swearing in date for co. offices, the other one I forgot). Maybe half a dozen judges to retain. I had heard of one of them. That's it. First time not using punch cards, which was kinda nifty. I think I spent more time experimenting with the buttons than trying to decide.
My big disappointment was that there were no post-voting stickers. I feel so...stickerless.
More interestingly, the courts weren't closed, so I had to go in today.
"Placid and calm," my ass. I don't know who you think you're kidding, but I'm not him.
This Guy
The Jersey Girl is seriously disappointed in her home state! Ohio has the most colleges and universities per capita of any state, and yet the young folks couldn't get out and vote to carry this election to a more positive and definitive conclusion?! Other than that my voting experience was wonderful. I was off work, waited until 10 a.m. to vote with nearly no line (5 people if that), had lunch with former coworkers, got my hair done, did some Christmas shopping, then crashed with this horrendous cold.
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