Oddly enough, I've determined over the past few weeks that I much prefer the taste of Pepsi Cola to that of Coca Cola, despite having eschewed Pepsi in favor of the formerly tastier Coke for the previous two decades of my life. I, of course, have no idea what this means in the grand scheme of things.
Why/how do you have time to find these articles?!
I'm a news junkie with no life who spent entirely too much time on hold/waiting for something to load today.
life on hold ... i'm usually expected to acomplish something else while i'm on hold. North, i envy you at times.
--- The Dancer in the Shadows
here's one that should be right up your alley North:
--- The Dancer in the Shadows
Oddly enough, I've determined over the past few weeks that I much prefer the taste of Pepsi Cola to that of Coca Cola, despite having eschewed Pepsi in favor of the formerly tastier Coke for the previous two decades of my life. I, of course, have no idea what this means in the grand scheme of things.
This Guy
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