Monday, October 18, 2004

Reasons Why I'm Going to Hell Today

I just told a coworker, apropos of this article on Voodoo in New Orleans:

"You know, if we actually sacrificed chickens, I might go to mass more often."


Anonymous said...

Just make sure that the performer of the rite uses a live chicken. A bucket of KFC will not get the job done. Trust me on this.

You Know Who . . . This Guy

Anonymous said...

See, now who doesn't want to go to Catholic church so they can pluck chickens too. And you told me to keep the feathers out of our room.

North Of Normal said...

I told you to keep the feathers out of our room? I thought you told me to keep the feathers out! Damn. You mean we could have been sacrificing things all along? Double Damn.

I wonder how much more Julie would've hated us if we'd started doing weird Santeria rituals in the next room . . .

The Dancer in the Shadows said...

hmm, is this where KFC gets the chickens from? would seem to be an environmentally friendly option, recycling and all that ...

and just what would you do with feathers in your room?

umm, on second thought, do i really want an answer ...

-- The Dancer in the Shadows

PS: if a facination with other religious pratices is grounds for eternal damnation, i'm right there burning with you North.