Thursday, September 09, 2004

Now read this

This story is creepy on so many levels.


Anonymous said...

2004-09-09 ~ 11:21

very creepy. i can't help but think, "good for the pup!" he was only defending his own life. but at the same time, i question the animal cruelty charges. if the humane society can't get the pups adopted, they will end up in the same spot anyway. the only difference i see is that the humane society will spend more money on it. personally, i'd rather have a bullet or two through my head than spend weeks starving to death.


Anonymous said...

how do you find these?

--- The Dancer in the Shadows

North Of Normal said...

CG--my first thought was "way to go little dude," too. Then I started thinking about animals using firearms and decided it was entirely too creepy.

Dancer--found that one through a link from a link from another blog . . . you know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

2004-09-10 ~ 07:30

cool, i didn't know it would let you comment on your own posts. and yeah, um, i hadn't thought about bambi shooting back. that would cause alot of hunters alot of problems. and it would cause the deer problems too. yikes!
