Wednesday, September 08, 2004

It's in the doggie treats box, in case you were wondering

Proof that we are not, in fact, the wierdest family in the world.

So, I'm back. Didja miss me?

Unfortunately, I don't think I have a whole lot to say. The show closed, but not before claiming a few more lives. I start school today, which I am very much looking forward to: Drama Queen, Little J, Junior, Attitudinal, Rogue, and most of the rest of the Scapino cast will be in the class. I'm meeting with Big G tonight to discuss what he wants me to do as "dramaturge". I had to look that up in the dictionary on Friday ("one who practices the art of dramaturgy." Thanks,, thanks so very much) but now that I know a little more, I'm getting kind of excited. Watch this space for fun and random mid-Elizabethan and Shakespearean facts!

Thor and Freya got married this weekend, and it was quite the affair. Fertility Goddess was in the wedding, and allll the kiddies were in attendance and loving every minute of it. At one point, Frog Princess ran up to Right of Center, Sparty, and myself, looked at our drinks, and asked "What's that?"

"Pop," said Sparty. "Water," said Right of Center. "Juice," said North.

"Nicely played, ladies," Sparty said after the shortie ran off again.

"Shut up," said North.

Most of the gang made it back to the D for the wedding. I got to spend some quality time with Commander Pop and Boop, who desperately need to get out of Kentucky and back up here. At one point, I'm sure Falstaff had a stroke when he saw The Ex and Fed deep in conversation. It took Gothboy and Flyguy about 2.3 seconds to revert to junior-high smartass form, and about 3.1 seconds to reduce me to incoherent giggles. In church. We got Dad out on the dance floor, put a bounty on the head of the DJ, admired the Stanley-Cup shaped cake, didn't throw the hockey pucks at each other, and ended the night by heading to our local dive bar in formalwear.

(Also, Boop and I were put in charge of making the wedding suite "romantic." Considering that he had to divulge the location of the honeymoon suite and hand over the key, Thor was either very trusting or completely out of his mind. Anyway, we set out candles and rose petals and whatnot, made a couple of tasteless jokes, and left without doing any dastardly thing at all. He called on Monday to thank me, and I had to fight the instinctive "so, did you have a good time?" because really, I don't want to know.)

Wish I had insightful and witty commentary on the burning issues of the day, but I'm about burning issued-out after this article showed up on the front page and riled up every seething nutcake in three counties. Maybe I'll warm up to something later.


Anonymous said...

"allll the kiddies in attendance" think they were the stars of the show - especially the flower girls, who lived on the dance floor until the last song.

Anonymous said...

yes, we missed you!

enjoy your class. wish i could join you. sounds like fun. (btw, did the priest you said you were bringing help any?)

my congratulations to Thor and Freya.

hmmm, what *was* in the glasses? ;)

incoherent giggles in church? well, at least you were enjoying it ...

stanley cup shaped wedding cake? must be big hockey fans ...

i would say his trust has proven to be well founded. rose petals? should i make a note of that? and considering they just got married, i doubt you need to ask either.

yeah ... sounds like even the catholic church is saying this election is a "choose the lesser evil" choice and can't decide for itself which *is* the lesser evil.


i'm glad to see you've returned, North, and look forward to more posts. we out here have been starved of insight and wit since your brief disappearance and are thanking whatever dieties we feel apropriate that you've returned.

---The Dancer in the Shadows

Anonymous said...


my apologies, i misspelled deities

---The Dancer in the Shadows

Anonymous said...

If the preist helped, it wasn't nearly enough. I still lost my favorite hairclip at the last show. :)

- Fertility Goddess

Anonymous said...

How come just about every one has a cool nick name except Dear Ole Dad? Half the fun of reading this thing is figuring out who is who!

Dear Ole Dad

North Of Normal said...

Dancer--Thanks! Could you email me? I've got a question for you. North of Normal at gmail dot com, if you don't already know that.

FG--I'd say I'd look for it for you, but we've already deconstructed the set and it's probably long gone by now. Sorry =(

D.O.D.--Well, anyone who comes equiped with an alias (you, mom, Flip) I didn't think needed one. But since you are feeling left out, I'll come up with something. I kinda like D.O.D. but it may lack imagination. Frog something? Old Folkey? I'm going to have to think about this. . .