Friday, September 17, 2004

If by "next" you mean "seven hours later"

Oh bite me, it's still technically Friday. . .

1. What is the one thing that you will miss the most about summer?

I like the was summer always feels like goofing off. You can be less serious in the summer. You can ride your bike to Maine in the summer; you can be in a play in the summer. The rest of the year feels like you have to be more serious somehow, but summer feels like possibility.

2. What is the one reason you look forward to fall each year? If you don't tell us why!

I love fall and I have a dozen reasons why. I like wearing sweaters. I like the air when it's crisp. I like the sound leaves make when you step on them. I like football.

3. Have you ever gone or wish to go apple picking in the fall?

I have gone many times, and want to go again. I want to make an apple pie from scratch (I say this every year and haven't yet. I doubt this will be the year, either). I want to peel all the apples and use real lard in the crust.

4. Have you tried to grow your own pumpkins? How did it turn out?

Apparently when I was a little kid I brought a pumpkin seedling or something that my parents planted in the garden. From what my mom says, it pretty much took over the yard from there. I don't remember any of this, though. I don't really like pumpkin things (pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin rolls) so I don't imagine I'd try to grow pumpkins when I have a garden of my own.

Also, when you type it enough times, "pumpkin" starts to look reeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyy strange.

5. What is your favorite fall activity?

Stepping on leaves. Seriously. You should see me walking down the street in autumn. I look, um, special. I try to make sure that my feet always land on a dried fallen leaf so I can hear that great "krch" noise they make. So I stagger around like a drunken epileptic, grinning like a kid and embarrass anyone who ever met me.


Anonymous said...

The one thing I will miss about summer?
Less laundry makes the top of the list at the moment. Being able to go outside in shorts and a tank top, not having to adhere to a school schedule, seeing friends and family on vacations, making the attempt at taming the yard in hopes that someday it will actually look nice... I could go on and on, but I won't.

The or a reason I look forward to fall?
Little girls all lined up in school uniforms, hair brushed and pulled back, lunch boxes in hand. Listening to my second grader begging for more homework while trying to teach her younger sister to read. (the one who's eye she blackened a week before by kicking a sauce pan into it)
Apple picking?
Only if attending a school feildtrip and getting a solitary apple from the tree counts, but it does sound like fun.
North, that pie sounds right up my alley - just pick a day and I'd make the time...

Growing pumkins?
You mean buying and carving them isn't enough and I'm supposed to try to grow something? I'll leave that to people who don't murder any plant they try to take care of, thank you.

Fall activities?
bonfires - I actually know a guy not far from here who can have them legally in his backyard. Other than that, I'm sure it can be figured out rather easily. I'm not very big on cold...
Although in the net couple if years I may have to say something like sports - kids have growing interest.

Anyway, back to enjoying another beautiful day of working outside. (well, I enjoy the beautiful day part...)

Fertility Goddess

Anonymous said...

1 - What will I miss? I will forever miss the excitement of leaving on a selfcontained bicycle trip for the very first time. I miss waking up and not knowing where I will sleep or what will happen in the time between rising and going to bed.

I will not miss waiting. Waiting for landscapers, painters, and who ever else was to show up.

2 - What do I look forward to? Most of the time it is the excitement of a new school year! New students, new promises. Last year, well it sucked and I did not want to start another one. The new crew proved my fears were groundless.


4 - My favorite fall activity. Checking papers and watching either MSU, U of M, or Notre Dame play foot ball. Unfortunately the past two weeks gave me twofers and I had nothing to check, or had to be elsewhere.

The One With Out A Cool Nickname

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to keep my responses brief this time, honest. I feel that this is important due to the addition of a fifth question this week. (:P)

I. Attractive Women In Revealing Garments.

II. I get to break out my incredibly snappy "Old Irish Guy Hat," which combines with any number of "Chick-Impressing Sweaters" to create a thoroughly dashing look for the season, a look that is only accentuated by the color palette of the changing leaves. (As Strong Bad would say, "Check me out! No, seriously, check me out." By the way, other possible answers to this question include Football, The Cessation Of Involuntary Sweating, Hockey, Thanksgiving Dinner, "Scotch & Port Season," The Changing Of The Leaves, and The Mandatory Return To School Of Feral Neighborhood Children.)

III. I have, actually, though not recently enough to suit me.

IV. Well, let's see. It's turning out more or less the same as it always does, with half the garden overgrown with vines and about four dozen pumpkins of various sizes waiting to be picked. (So, if any of you would like a pumpkin or two, just let me know . . . please. Otherwise, in a couple of months I may end up throwing large, rotten gourds at people I don't like, which might very well get me into some sort of trouble.)

V. This is a rather difficult question, actually. Simply walking among the falling leaves like some sort of romantic anime leading man is always nice, as is making the trip back to my alma mater when the campus is at its most vibrant. Really and truly, though, I think that my favorite Fall activity is cozying up to our gal North with a box of doughnuts and two big cups of hot chocolate for a long night of watching football or hockey.

This Guy

Anonymous said...

This Guy,
I think I know 4 smallish children who would love to help you with those pumkins...
Fertility Goddess

Anonymous said...

-What is the one thing that you will
-miss the most about summer?

either playing with the smallish ones (they will have to go back to school soon) or riding the motorcycle. not sure which, since i'll still play with the smallish ones, just not as often, but i won't be able to ride (per FG's request) when it gets too cold (FG's determination of cold).

-What is the one reason you look
-forward to fall each year? If you
-don't tell us why!

only one? North, you must be joking! amoung the things i look forward to: temp drop (too hot in the summer), leaves turning (strange since i'm colorblind), kite winds, occasional peace (remember that smallish one and school thing?), drop in pollen counts (i can stop living off of sinus pills!), ... and i could go on ... but i think i'll end with fall means winter is that much closer :)

-Have you ever gone or wish to
-go apple picking in the fall?

yes and yes. it was fun and i'd like to do it again.

-Have you tried to grow your own
-pumpkins? How did it turn out?

yes, and it does try to take over the yard. thor and i had more fun attacking and driving back the pumpkin vines then we could have hoped to have with the pumpkin itself. ;) -- those who know us can easily picture thor and myself wielding swords against a vine i'm sure. the hardest part will be picturing us *not* wielding the swords against each other ... but that is something different all together.

-What is your favorite fall activity?

laying back outside on a comfortable lawn chair, closing my eyes, and just listening to teh peaceful sounds of fall. ... obviously easier to do away from the city. and North, if you want someone to step on leaves with, i'll go, you won't embarrass me with it, i'd be doing it too. :)

sorry it's so late, but better late than never, right?
