I support any endeavors that requires big hats
I've got a few friends that get into the horse racing thing (Flip, Blondie), but my knowledge of the sport is pretty much limited to "horsies go fast" and a special I saw on ESPN years ago about jockeys starving themselves.
However, there's something about the Derby that's kind of fun. Mom wants to go sometime, get great big ridiculous hats and drink mint juleps. Never mind that she didn't even see the special on anoretic1 jockeys, so she knows even less than me.
When I think of it, I pick a favorite for the race every year, using the highly scientific method of looking for the best name out of the bunch. This Guy uses the same system and ends up picking horses with names like "War Emblem". I think that year I went with Request for Parole. This method obviously works better for some than others. This year, then, the official North of Normal Guaranteed Not To Win But Really Should Because I Said So pick is:
Read The Footnotes
He's a bit of a longshot, admittedly, at 12-1 odds. Then again, he's also a quite valuable bit of advice, and as someone who as actually written a footnote in her life I feel a certain sentimental loyalty.
1 This, incidentally, is a more correct word to describe someone suffering from anorexia nervosa. It's also the only thing I could think of to use as a footnote here, and you really didn't think I'd write about Read The Footnotes without including an actual footnote, did you?