I love Ann Coulter
There are people in this world who challenge you. Who make you really examine what you believe and what you think. People like that are an asset, because they either help you clear your thinking if it's been muddied or help you strengthen your arguments in the face of dissent. Either way, you win. The much-beloved Andrew Sullivan is one of these people. My sister is another.
Ann Coulter is not one of these people.
Not even remotely.
I love Brown Shirt Annie because, unlike Andrew and unlike my sister, she makes it so terribly easy to be liberal. I mean, really. If the choice is between being a left-wing pinko commie nutbag and being even remotely on her side? Easiest decision ever made, and that includes the decision to keep breathing. There are few people anywhere on the political spectrum as stone ass crazy as this woman. She makes both Al Sharpton and Patrick Buchanan seem reasonable, and that's the kind of feat they should give an award for.
Don't believe me? Check this out. Yes, that's right, Captainette America is making fun of former Senator Max Cleland, Vietnam vet and triple amputee. Niiiiiiiice. Also classy. Now I'm not saying that veterans are all untouchable saints, but she is specifically mocking the manner in which he injured, because it was a noncombat situation. Uh-huh.
I'm just going to let that one sit there for a moment. It's the sort of thing that requires a moment of silence.
Mockin' the vets. Makin' fun of the triple amputee. Served his country, lost some limbs, went to the Senate, Ann Coulter calls him a jerk.
You process that, I'm going to point out a few other things in there. She's kicking Cleland in the interest of defending Bush's own National Guard record, which is something I'm not going to get into. The thing is riddled with logic flaws big enough to drive a tank through and failures in reasoning that the make your eyes cross, but this one was my favorite:
Bush reported for duty nine times between Nov. 29, 1972, and May 24, 1973 – more than enough times to fulfill his Guard duties. (And nine times more than Bill Clinton, Barney Frank or Chuck Schumer did during the same period.)
Listen you demented little windbag, Barney Frank can't serve in the military. He's gay, remember? You can either deny him civil rights or you can bitch about him not serving in the military. You don't get to do both.
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