Monday, December 15, 2003

In which we use the blog as God intended

We'll pretend that I do this on Mondays, ok? There's lots to be said about the Saddam-related activities this weekend, but most other people have already said it. Andrew's already got most of the good stuff covered. As always, Michael Totten's got your visual needs met.

In other news, Salon has an interesting, if a little shallow, article on how books (as opposed to those usual villains, movies and videogames) can inspire violence. It's not much of an analysis, just a survey of famous murders/nutjobs that were influenced by works of literature. The quote from Anthony Burgess made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, it was so chilling. Apparently, Aum Shinrikyo is based on Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. I'm really glad Isaac's not around to know that.

On sort-of that note, have I mentioned "Child's Play" to you guys yet? The Penny Arcade guys set out a plea to their videogame playing readers (that's a bit redundant) to buy toys for the Seattle Children's Hospital. How's this for heart-warming: as of Friday, they had over one hundred and thirty thousand dollars in toys and cash donations from all over the world. A webcomic out of Singapore held a fundraiser and bought an XBox. This is the sort of thing that restores my faith in other people.

This is a little old, but Sam will get a kick out of it: a deconstruction of "Imagine" by John Lennon. I found it amusing.

I'm thinking about moving this whole ship over to LiveJournal, but I'm still a bit conflicted. On the one hand, you get to leave comments over there. On the other hand, I've got a Sarah in my head that already injects "hippie" in all the appropriate places. I kinda like my blog. It's all green and shiny. We'll see.

Tell me something I don't already know:

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